I support folks in creating more compassion for themselves. Our time together is structured as a conversation that is centered around you and your needs. I show up as my authentic self to our sessions and engage you in your process as equals. I’ll hold space for you while you begin exploring new ways of connecting to yourself and others.

I will guide you towards your inner goodness and wisdom.

I serve not as someone with all the answers, but as a guide who deeply respects and values the folks I work with and the wisdom they already have within. We will work together to determine your pacing and honor your edges along the way.

Curiosity will be at the forefront as we explore in session.

By investing in this time for yourself, you can begin to release guilt and shame and start to live more intentionally.

I believe healing happens in the presence of safety and in being truly seen, heard, and witnessed. Therapy is a unique and non-judgmental space for connection, support, and reclamation as you move towards regulation in your body, alignment with your values, and intentionality in living.

Our lives and experiences are interwoven with our environments and intersecting identities. We live in systems that are designed to benefit few. Surviving and existing in systems of oppression can leave us feeling broken, but you are not broken. I am deeply committed to dismantling white supremacy and systems of oppression within myself, my practice, and our communities.